Friday, July 2, 2010

How To Set Up Business Accounts On Ebay

Do you want to earn extra income aside from your regular salary? If so, you should consider opening one of those business accounts on eBay. Opening an eBay business account means you are planning to sell things or offer services. If you have been shopping in eBay, you can use that same account that you use as a buyer for selling products and services. No need to create a new account.

Selling in eBay is a great home based business because of many things. First, it is very flexible. You do not need to spend long hours running your business everyday. You can open it several times a day to check your listings and that's it. You also do not need to rent a commercial space which is difficult to maintain and which requires you to pay for a rental fee and utility bills.

Now that you know the benefits of selling in eBay, here are the steps on how to set up business accounts on eBay.

'¢ The first thing that you should do is to go to the eBay website. You can cerate your own account by clicking the register button. This step is for people who do not have an eBay account yet. But for people who have been using eBay to buy things, all they need to do is to search for the "Sell" tab and start uploading their products' pictures and details.

When registering, you will be asked certain information, like your address, bank account details, email address, phone number, and so on. Do not feel hesitant to give out these information and details because these will only be sued by the eBay staff. You also need to create your own username and password. When creating a username, it is better to use the name of your online shop so that buyers can easily remember it.

Before selling anything, it is very important to red the terms and conditions provided by eBay. You have to agree to these terms and conditions before you can start selling. Once you agree to eBay's terms and conditions, you can now start uploading your products' pictures and designing your own webpage. '¢ When you are already in the process of creating your listings, you will find out that there are corresponding fees.

The fees depends on the number of days that your listing will appear in your homepage, the number of pictures, or the importance given to your listings by using a box or bold letters. It will only cost you a few dollars to have a good listing that the customers will surely not miss. You also pay a subscription fee to eBay every month. '¢ You can cerate your own webpage. Make sure that the design is appropriate for your store's products or theme. It is also important to include nice pictures and detailed descriptions that your customers can use to make a decision when buying in your shop. You should know these things when setting up business accounts in eBay. By knowing these things, you will have an online business that runs smoothly right form the very beginning.

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