Thursday, June 3, 2010

Honesty And Accountability Pay.

About Money.

Money is a very delicate subject. How many lives and friendships have ended because of it? A lot. When it comes to money, friends become enemies and enemies become friends. Indeed, money is the root of all evil. It is only thru honesty and accountability that we can avoid getting into troubles that involve money.

Here's a story (that revolves around money) shared to me by a friend. She temporarily became the keeper of the office money when her officemate in charge of it took a long leave. During the first few days, she was okay. She and her officemate were constantly in touch. One day, for some unknown reason, she lost a big amount from the office money. She didn't know what to do. She gathered all the receipts and computed the cash. She tried very hard to find the missing money but to no avail. She told no one in the office about it. But she was honest enough to tell herself and loved ones about what happened. Finally, she said to herself that she had to pay for it because she was accountable for it.

What she did was she availed of a loan. When her loan check arrived, she had it encashed and replaced the missing money. One day, her officemate came back. It was time to turn the office money over. Much to her suprise and joy, her officemate knew where the missing money was. Apparently, there was a receipt being kept by another officemate that covers the missing money. She talked to her officemate seriously and told her that she paid for the missing money. Initially, her officemate got shocked. But she was quick to tell her that it was okay. The money would be returned. And so she got the money she used to cover the missing amount. Her officemate was kind enough to listen to her story of honesty and accountability and did the right thing --to return the money to her.

When it was over, they just made fun of the incident. They said my friend should have told the entire office about it. It could have shortened her agony and solved her problem outright. But personally speaking, I think my friend did the right thing. You cannot just tell the world about such a delicate matter. Imagine what these people would think of her. People are inherently judgmental, right?

By being honest to herself and being accountable for the complex task temporarily assigned to her, she was able to solve her problem. She just lifted everything up to the Lord. All her worries and agonies arising from the incident. She believed that whatever it was taken from her will be back. And it did get back. The missing money was found. She cannot be more grateful to God. :)

The Life of a Breadwinner

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